Alan's Prostate Cancer Information Page
Diagnosed in 1996, Alan (in New Zealand) has devoted himself to gathering information. This private site is simple to navigate and filled with enough to keep anyone busy for days.
American Cancer Society PCa Resource Center
An extensive site with considerable information about treatments and resources and featuring their Man to Man program.
Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation
A new, good-looking site (came on line about 10/15/00) that concentrates on Arkansas but filled with other good information, from testimonials to resources and an excellent compilation of support groups in the state.
CancerLinks (PCa section)
The basic site is devoted to cancer but they have a huge PCa section that is easy to navigate and a virtual encyclopedia of links and:
An excellent on-line tutorial on how to use Web/Internet
One of the best collections of ethnic/national (non-US) PCa sites.
Although CaPCure is devoted to funding research, this beautifully-designed but sometimes difficult-to-navigate site is still worth the time to visit. For example, it has an excellent explanation (with drawings) of how cancer attacks and then escapes the prostate.
DMOZ - Open Directory - Section on PCa
The DMOZ Open Directory is like a yellow pages of resources. The section on PCa has a number of links in a simple, easy-to-follow layout with short descriptions of each that makes it easier.
Don Cooley's Patients Helping Patients
One of the very few private sites, it is active, up-to-date and strong on medical and research information, with a search engine. The site also features:
Active mailings lists (some archived) and a newsletter
Information and advice for the newly diagnosed
A "Multi-Graph" system for tracking treatment.
Hypertext Guide to Prostate Cancer
An innovative guide that lets you point and click your way through the Guide with information on every topic including links to hundreds of medical Web sites. The instructions on how to do it are excellent and there is even a PDF version. It is also available in Spanish.
HealthLinksUSA (PCa Section)
The sites listed are not in any order so it can be difficult to navigate and the advertising is irritating. Some site titles are good but some are very poor and not descriptive.
HRPC Site (hormone refractory PCa)
A patient-driving site for men with Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer (HRPC). The site has support, information on trials, etc. Good site.
PCa Family: Family to Family
Started by Nikki Meloskie when she was told her husband's PCa was "none of your business," the strength of this site (and Nikki's) is support for women of PCa men, including an 800 support number, and her advocacy efforts. Stories about her are at the site.
The Prostate Cancer InfoLink (PCIL)
This site was taken off line but permission was given to Phoenix5 to archive the most essential pages. Click here to go to the new PCIL Home page here at Phoenix5.
Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI)
Founded in 1996 by medical oncologists Stephen Strum and Mark Scholtz, PCRI is based in Los Angeles. They have a large but easy-to-navigate site that includes:
A wide variety of papers and articles ranging from treatment to diets (some require Adobe Acrobat Reader);
The P2P (patient to physician) list where clinical questions will be answered by an oncologist;
The "PCRI Insights" newsletter (current and back issues are at the site);
A list of PCa doctors, listed by name, state and specialty, links and glossary
Prostate Cancer UK
An excellent patient-driven site that continues to grow. The site contains illustrations, great glossary and is extremely easy to navigate. Highly recommended.
Prostate Pointers
Active, information-filled and up-to-date, this is frames-based site has information about various treatments. It is sponsored by Cancerfacts.com and also contains:
Advocacy actions and a calendar of events
Some physicians'/oncologists' pages
PP also sponsors several popular mailing lists at their site. Some are archived and searchable.
This private, good-looking site has the look of an online magazine and is filled with up-to-date news, resources and advice for the newly diagnosed as well as the veteran. Highly recommended.
A Spouse's Guide to Coping with Prostate Cancer
This site is no longer on line.
Virgil's Prostate Online
Virgil is a PCa man who took to the Web with a site that is highly regarded. Although not updated since 5/00 (as of 6/01), the site is still timely, informative, easy to navigate and filled with good links.
You Are Not Alone (YANA)
One of the best sites for the recently diagnosed or the veteran, YANA comes with a slight sense of humor but they are filled with straight information. Their site offers:
First-person stories and a PCa partners section
Information about treatment choices and side-effects
A list of "Mentors" who can help
A message board for support and questions.
Dad's Cancer Diary
A daughter's three-year chronicle from his diagnosis, through treatments and his passing. A beautiful, moving account with additional information on grief-support. As the Canadian Cancer Society said, "Wonderful Tribute to the Life Of Your Father:....The last 3 entries should be especially supportive to those going through the end of life difficulties."
David Rozum's Personal Experiences
Nice site about one man's story about his decision to have surgery and is recovery. The account has a number of links through the text to give better explanations.
Doug & His Prostate
Doug Thorton has not only recorded his battle but when he started clinical trials in San Francisco, he made a record with photographs. When you get to the family home page, just click "Doug & His Prostate".
Jim Fulks' Prostate Cancer Page
Diagnosed "purely by accident" in 1992, Jim was a foremost activist in Fremont, California, which is in the San Francisco Bay are. Prostate cancer took him in May, 2001. His site still includes his personal story as well as a link to a news account about his work as well as favorite poems, links and photographs and a tribute to this great man who inspired so many.
Jim Griffin's "Meeting Prostate Cancer"
Although it is a one-page site, Jim packs in a lot. He tells the story of his surgery and recovery with some advice about dealing with incontinence and ED, with illustrations.
Marvin Blumberg's "My Journey"
A series of essays detailing his battle and opting for radiation at Memorial Sloan Kettering. For anyone considering radiation, this is one of the best patient-accounts you can find. It is now at Phoenix5, courtesy of Oncolink where it originally appeared.
Nelson Boudreaux's Page
Nelson is in Louisiana. "I was diagnosed in July, 2000. I chose as my treatment ProstRcision. This treatment consists of radio active seeds implanted into the prostate followed by 7 weeks of conformal photon beam radiation. My treatment was performed at RCOG in Atlanta, GA, in September, October, and November, 2000. I spent a great deal of time talking to doctors, researching books, researching the Internet, and talking to cancer patients. I hope with this web page to pass on some of the information that I acquired to men who might become patients and those who are surviving PC patients."
Paul Shapiro's "Hit by a Ton of Bricks"
Paul's site has several essays, from his diagnosis (at age 70) on through his treatment. Now, years later, he is still an advocate. See his tutorial on using the Web, described below.
Terry Herbert's Prostate Cancer Site
Terry lives in South Africa and is a frequent poster to some PCa lists. He follows Watchful Waiting and talks about it at his site.
Tom Feeney's "Fundamentals of Prostate Cancer"
Tom and his site has been taken by many as the standard for those who adhere to "watchful waiting." Tom did pass on but his site and his attitude continues.
National Association of Cancer Patients
Group devoted to advocacy and education.
CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's guide to cancer resources
A private site that, while not specific to PCa, it is still highly valuable. The newly diagnosed might start with his Pros and Cons of Researching Your Cancer.
He explains how to research medical literature and gives links and his Resource Tools include dictionaries, drug information, anatomy guides and more.
MEDLINEPlus - (prostate cancer section)
Medline is an online service of the US National Library of Medicine, offering articles, journals, dictionaries and drug information by disease or ailment. This link takes you to their prostate cancer section.
Paul Shapiro's Tutorial: Finding Health Information
Himself a PCa survivor, this site has a series of slides Paul uses in talks to educate people how to use the Internet to find health information. An excellent guide for those new to the Net. Paul also has a Web site about his own bout with prostate cancer, described on this page.
US National Institutes of Health
A group of US institutes and related support structures located in Bethesda, Maryland, that is part of the United States Public Health Service. Responsible for funding basic and applied research in the health field.
The NIH has an Office of Dietary Supplements with information on vitamins and minerals at
US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
FDA is responsible for drug testing and efficiency in the US. The site is huge but here are some tips for getting around it:
The Oncology Tools section is a good place to start
The Cancer Liaison Program also has good information
The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research does drug testing
The Office of Orphan Products Development oversees drugs developed for rarer diseases effecting less than 200,000 US residents annually
Their Cancer Information Resources page has more government Web site links.
US National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The NCI site is vital for anyone seeking information. It is well-laid out, simple to use and has a section just on PCa.
Their page for First Time Visitors has all the basic links to find what you need
Their section on prostate cancer gives everything from explanations to clinical trials
The "Coping With Cancer" has a wide variety of topics and booklets
There is also a PDQ (Physician Data Query) with the latest
information about cancer treatment, screening, prevention, genetics, and
supportive care, plus clinical trials.
US National Library of Medicine (NLM)
The world's largest medical library.
Created and maintains MedLine Plus, a massive data base offering articles and information on health, drugs, diet, treatments and dictionaries.
IMPACT: Improving Access, Counseling and Treatment
For Californians with PCa
A site funded by California Department of Health Services, the mission is to provide high quality prostate cancer treatment and health care services to low-income Californians who have little or no health insurance and a confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer.
American Federation for Urologic Disease (AFUD)
A non-profit, professional organization that includes the study of prostate cancer. The AFUD publishes studies and offers considerable information at their Web site.
± Humor & Laughter for People Touched by Cancer
If you don't believe there is anything to laugh at about cancer, this is a site for when you are ready to take another view. It has stories and jokes by people who believe that it really is healthy to laugh about it.
± Rick Masten's Words & One-Liners
Story-teller, writer and poet (he has published 12 books), Rick has devoted a section of his Web site to his experiences with prostate cancer. Selections range from poetry to essays to his own cancer digest. Highly recommended.
Scott Burton's "Inconvenience Productions"
Scott is a talented professional comedienne who has integrated his own cancer experience into his act. A portion of his site is devoted to the disease and includes:
Poetry and stories,
Recommended books showing "the human side" of cancer,
Links to humor sites, from Letterman on,
Links to cancer-related sites.
The Poetry of Charlie Gould
Let him explain: ''When I was first Dx'd [diagnosed], in 1995, I used verse as an outlet to vent the emotions caused by the whole experience. I sent many of them to a cancer listserv, and one of the other members actually saved some - I never did. He maintains a web
site for general cancer patients. My verses were all driven by Prostate Cancer, yet expanded to include the cancer experience from several other views; doctor, parent, child, caregiver, lover.''
The World According to Squarf
For those who want an irreverent view, Lorenzo Q. Squarf has a site to visit. Look in the left box for his page about his prostate cancer and then be prepared. (smile) You have been warned.