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Understanding and Using Partin Coefficient Tables

Last Revised May 14, 1997

[NOTE: The tables were updated in June, 2001, but this explanation still serves. The new tables are at the site of Dr. Oppenheimer's pathology lab. He is the author of "Partin Table Predictions: What Do They Really Mean?" here at InfoLink.]

Introduction | How the Partin tables work | Example | Permission


The so-called "Partin tables" were originally developed by a group of urologists at the Brady Institute for Urology at Johns Hopkins University based on accumulated data from hundreds of patients who had been treated at that institution. They are called "Partin tables" after just one of the original contributors to this research.

The original Partin coefficient tables were revised in May 1997 based on data from three major prostate cancer research institutions: Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Baylor School of Medicine in Houston, and the Michigan Prostate Institute in Ann Arbor. In this revision, data accumulated from 4,133 patients treated by radical prostatectomy were used to carry out the statistical modifications.

[Note: More men have been included with a June, 2001, update. See note at top and bottom.]

The Partin coefficient tables can be used to combine data on the PSA value, the Gleason score, and the clinical stage of a specific patient in order to be able to try and predict the specific risk of that patient. In using these tables, it is very important to understand that the actual clinical value of these tables in predicting outcome for large numbers of patients has never actually been proved. In other words, the data which these table offer are increasingly interesting, but cannot be absolutely used to specify the prognosis of any particular patient with any known degree of accuracy. Readers may be interested in comments on interpretation of the data in the Partin tables made by Jonathon Oppenheimer, MD, which appear elsewhere on The Prostate Cancer InfoLink

Having made this comment, Partin and his colleagues have reported that use of the prior version of the Partin coefficient tables have resulted in the following improvements in outcome in 1993-1996 compared to the pre-Partin table era (1989-1993) at Johns Hopkins:

  • Percentage of men found to have organ-confined disease at the time of radical prostatectomy has risen from 33% to 55%
  • Percentage of men found to have positive seminal vesicles or positive lymph nodes decreased from 21% to 10%.

It must be noted that at least a part of the reason for these improvements can be associated with other factors (such as the increased use of PSA testing and stage migration secondary to the introduction of clinical stage T1c as a defined tumor stage).

How the Partin coefficient tables work

The Partin coefficient tables can be used to offer estimates of four different items which may be very important in deciding how to treat a patient:

In the various sections in The Prostate Cancer InfoLink on the treatment of prostate cancer, it will be apparent that these different risks can have significant impact on how a doctor will offer to treat a patient with prostate cancer, and also on how a patient may wish to be treated.

The Prostate Cancer InfoLink again emphasizes that the data offered in these tables are not definitive. Patients are strongly advised to discuss data from these tables with their physicians and not to rely on these table as strictly accurate prognostic indicators.

An example of the use of the Partin coefficient tables

Brian is a 58-year-old man who received a positive standard PSA test of 7.4 ng/ml at his annual physical examination. There is no family history of prostate cancer and there was no indication of a problem on the basis of his DRE.

His urologist repeated the DRE, but still could find no sign of prostate cancer other than the elevated PSA value. A PSA II or free/total PSA test was carried out to assess Brian's risk for prostate cancer as compared to his risk for benign prostatic hyperplasia. This gave a ratio of 0.12 or 12%. After discussion with Brian, the urologist carried out an ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. The biopsy showed two small foci of prostate cancer in one node of the prostate. The Gleason score of this prostate cancer was classified by the pathologist as 3 + 4 = 7. The urologist classified Brian's prostate cancer as clinical stage T1c.

One can use the Partin tables to make the following predictions about Brian's prostate cancer:

  • Using the appropriate table (based on Brian's PSA of 7.4 ng/ml) to predict the probability of Brian having organ-confined (and therefore theoretically curable) disease, we find that this probability is 49%. In other words, according to this table, there are about 5 chances out of 10 that Brian's cancer is not confined within the prostate.

  • Using the appropriate table (based on Brian's PSA of 7.4 ng/ml) to predict the probability of Brian having established capsular penetration (and therefore his risk of positive margins if he were to have surgery), we find that this probability is 40%. In other words, according to this table, there are about 4 chances out of 10 that Brian's cancer has spread into (and perhaps through) the capsule or "walls" of the prostate.

  • Using the appropriate table (based on Brian's PSA of 7.4 ng/ml) to predict the probability of Brian having prostate cancer that has spread into his seminal vesicles, we find that this probability is only 8%. In other words, there is about 1 chance out of 10 that Brian's cancer extends into his seminal vesicles.

  • Finally, using the appropriate table (based on Brian's PSA of 7.4 ng/ml) to predict the probability of Brain having prostate cancer which has spread into the lymph nodes, we find that this probability is a mere 3%. In other words, there is only a very low risk that Brian's cancer has spread through the lymph nodes out into the rest of his body.

We can conclude that Brian has a reasonable chance that his disease is organ confined, with his greatest risk being that the disease has spread into the capsule of the prostate.


The original Partin coefficient tables were published in several different places, but were initially published by Partin AW, Yoo J, Carter HB, et al. in the Journal of Urology (1993, vol. 150, pages 110-114).

The revised Partin coefficient tables were published by Partin AW, Kattan MW, Subong ENP, et al. in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1997, vol. 277, pages 1445-1451). The revised Partin tables are reproduced on The Prostate Cancer InfoLink by permission of Dr Alan Partin, to whom we are very grateful.

[NOTE: The tables were updated in June, 2001, but this explanation still serves. The new tables are at the site of Dr. Oppenheimer's pathology lab. He is the author of "Partin Table Predictions: What Do They Really Mean?" here at InfoLink.]

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The content in this section of the Phoenix 5 site was originally developed by CoMed Communications (a Vox Medica company) as part of The Prostate Cancer InfoLink. It is reproduced here with the permission of Vox Medica.

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