phoenix5 logo This is an archived copy of an original page from The Prostate Cancer InfoLink site that went off-line in February, 2001. It is reproduced at Phoenix5 with the permission of Vox Medica.
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Partin Coefficient Tables:
Prediction of Seminal Vesicle Involvement

Last Revised May 14, 1997

[NOTE: The tables were updated in June, 2001, and are at the site of Dr. Oppenheimer's pathology lab. He is the author of "Partin Table Predictions: What Do They Really Mean?" here at InfoLink.]

Introduction | Example
PSA = 0.0-4.0 ng/ml | PSA = 4.1-10.0 ng/ml | PSA = 10.1-20.0 ng/ml | PSA = 20.1 ng/ml or more


The following four tables give data which allow you or you doctor to predict the probability that prostate cancer has spread out of your prostate into the seminal vesicles on the basis of your Gleason score, your PSA value, and your clinical stage. Be careful to use the table which is based on your PSA value.


Gary is a 70-year-old man with a PSA of 3.2 ng/ml and a Gleason score of 2 + 2 = 4. His doctor has categorized his clinical stage as T1a since he found a very small amount of cancer in tissue removed during a transurethral resection of the prostate (a TURP), which had been carried out to relieve Gary's problem with frequent and incomplete urination.

Using the table for PSA values between 0.0 and 4.0 ng/ml, we find that Gary has a 0% likelihood of prostate cancer involving his seminal vesicles. In other words, it is all but certain that Gary's cancer is does not extend into the seminal vesicles.

Prediction of Probability of Seminal Vesicle Involvement
PSA = 0.0-4.0 ng/ml
Gleason scoreStage T1aStage T1bStage T1cStage T2aStage T2bStage T2cStage T3a
All numbers represent percent predictive probabilities (95% confidence interval); ellipses indicate lack of sufficient data to calculate probability.
Prediction of Probability of Seminal Vesicle Involvement
PSA = 4.1-10.0 ng/ml
Gleason scoreStage T1aStage T1bStage T1cStage T2aStage T2bStage T2cStage T3a
All numbers represent percent predictive probabilities (95% confidence interval); ellipses indicate lack of sufficient data to calculate probability.

Prediction of Probability of Seminal Vesicle Involvement
PSA = 10.1-20.0 ng/ml
Gleason scoreStage T1aStage T1bStage T1cStage T2aStage T2bStage T2cStage T3a
All numbers represent percent predictive probabilities (95% confidence interval); ellipses indicate lack of sufficient data to calculate probability.

Prediction of Probability of Seminal Vesicle Involvement
PSA = > 20.0 ng/ml
Gleason scoreStage T1aStage T1bStage T1cStage T2aStage T2bStage T2cStage T3a
All numbers represent percent predictive probabilities (95% confidence interval); ellipses indicate lack of sufficient data to calculate probability.

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The content in this section of the Phoenix 5 site was originally developed by CoMed Communications (a Vox Medica company) as part of The Prostate Cancer InfoLink. It is reproduced here with the permission of Vox Medica.

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